History of the Cornhole Game

There are lots of outdoor games out there that are enjoyed by people all over the world. Some of them are very common, such as sports like football, golf, and more. But there are also unique games that many of us enjoy. One of those is the cornhole game. The game has been called a lot of things, such as corn toss, bean toss, bean bag, soft horseshoes, and Indiana horseshoes. But for people living in or who grew up in Kentucky and the Southern part of Ohio, it is passionately referred to as cornhole. 

The game is quite similar to horseshoes. However, in this game, wooden boxes referred to as cornhole boards and corn bags are used instead of horseshoes and metal stakes. You can also check out our cornhole board reviews. Players take turns pitching their corn bags at the cornhole platform until a player reaches 21 points. When a corn bag goes in the hole, it is equivalent to three points. When it hits the platform, it is equivalent to one point. Most of the time, the game is played tournament style, with a player or team being named the champion at the end. 

If you are new to the game, or if it’s your first time to learn about it, maybe you are wondering where it came from or how it was invented. If that is the case, you’re in the right place. In this post, we are going to give you more information about the history of the cornhole game.

The Origins of Cornhole: Cincinnati, Kentucky, or Germany?

Many people say that the cornhole game was invented in Germany back in the 14th century. However, other people credit the Blackhawk tribe of Illinois for the game. Some point to a Kentucky farmer in the 1800s. With this, the exact origin of the cornhole is unclear. 

But whatever the origins of the game were, it emerged as a favorite pastime in Cincinnati and soon became popular to beaches, backyards, and campgrounds across the United States. Back in 2011, the New York Times declared that the favorite game of cornhole in the Midwest is sweeping the Northeast. 

Today, when you go to a professional football game, you may spot people playing a version of the game as you walk past pre-game tailgating parties in the parking lot. Most of the time, they call the game tailgate toss. This is due to the fans of the Cincinnati Bengals who introduced cornhole to fellow tailgaters from opposing teams. The game spread from one NFL parking lot to another. 

However, the Cincinnati and Kentucky pioneers were not the first people who lived in the United States. According to legends, resourceful Native Americans from the Blackhawk Tribe in Illinois made bags from dried animal bladders. They filled these with corn kernels and competed with them. This could be the origin of most sports games played with a ball at the present time. 

There are also people who believe that the game was invented in Germany back in 1325. It was when a cabinet maker named Matthias Kuepermann watched kids throwing stones into a dug hole and saw them get injured. With this, he thought of a way on how the kids could play in a less dangerous way. What he came up with was grain-filled bags and a box made of cabinet materials that were lying around his shop. This may possibly be an early version of the cornhole game.

The Original Cornhole – Parlor Quoits?

In addition to the stories that have lived for generations, one of the most convincing pieces of evidence of the origin of cornhole was in the United States patent records. A man named Heyliger de Windt applied for a patent for “Parlor Quoits” in 1883. The game featured a square hole instead of a round hole in the board. It was the first game to be recorded where bags of corn were thrown into a wooden board that had a hole in it. 

Origin of the Name “Cornhole”

As the game of cornhole becomes more popular, many are also wondering where the name of the game came from. Well, if we look at the game invented by Kuepermann in Germany, it used a board with a hole. That is probably where the word “hole” came from. But what about the word “corn?” Well, during those times, corn was used more often as a weight instead of food as it is so abundant. It was described that grain-filled bags were used to play, and the grains used were corn, which is much safer than stones. And the rest, as what they say, is history. 

Popularity of Cornhole

It was in the midwestern states where the game of cornhole started its popularity. It was where states were comprised mostly of farmland, as there was more corn. Today, bars and pubs across the United States are hosting regular cornhole tournaments. In addition to that, the game has also seen significant usage in marketing. That is why customized cornhole boards are usually used at events. There are even cornhole classes that you can attend across the country. 

It is very popular today to play cornhole at backyard parties as people enjoy delicious foods and drinks. It has become a very popular game due to its portability, easy-to-understand rules, and the fun it brings to many people of all ages. Also, there’s no need to be a star athlete to play a great game of cornhole.

Professional Cornhole Game

Did you know that cornhole has become very popular that ESPN gave the American Cornhole Organization’s World Championships of Cornhole X airtime? Yes, and it was hosted at Harrah’s Cherokee Casino Resort in North Carolina. Players from many parts of the country attended the Championship of Bags or COBS 2017 to join the five days of Cornhole. The winner was given a $50,000 cash prize. 

Surprisingly, the game had so much action. It even earned a larger audience compared to Major League Baseball, the final stage of the Tour de France, and the Women’s National Basketball Association All-Star Game, as around 300,000 people tuned in to watch the Cornhole tournament. With this, we can say that the game of cornhole is indeed a real game that is enjoyed by many people. 


The origins and history of cornhole may not be very clear, but one thing’s for sure, it is truly a fun and enjoyable game for people no matter the age group. It is a very simple game that can be enjoyed anytime and anywhere. You don’t need to learn a lot of skills to be able to play the game. All you need to do is have fun.

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